Strategically Personalized Framework (SPF)
Key Features
AUM Fee: 1.00% (annually)
Target Portfolio: $750,000
Financial Plan: Included
The Strategically Personalized Framework is a highly effective retirement solution that caters to the needs of modern retirees. We firmly believe that the traditional "one-portfolio-fits-all" approach is no longer suitable for retirement planning. We prioritize creating financial flexibility and resiliency, ensuring that our clients receive a personalized wealth management solution built around their family.
We answer these 4 questions for retirees:
1) "Will I run out of money?"
2) "What happens if 2008 happens again?"
3) "How do I create a paycheck now that I'm done working?"
4) "What if something happens to me?"
We invite you to learn more about how we can help achieve your retirement goals.
Why SPF?
Our response to the 2008 crisis...
The 2008 Financial Crisis was a turning point for the investing landscape, reminding us that markets can be volatile and unpredictable. Unfortunately, the wealth management industry failed to adapt to this new reality. It's important to remember that "hold on & hope" is not a viable investment strategy. If a hurricane were on the horizon you’d prepare for it. Why wouldn’t you make preparations for your finances in the same way?
The Strategically Personalized Framework is how we prepare clients for market volatility in retirement. Through it's implementation we reduce investment volatility in the area clients need it most - tomorrow's bills. Let's take a look at how our SPF structure compares to traditional money managers.

Traditional money managers seem to focus on "efficiency" and "volume". Enter the "one portfolio solution". This efficiency focus creates an environment where clients are pigeonholed into one of three broad groups: Aggressive, Moderate, or Conservative. This is generally described as a client's "risk tolerance". There's a problem with this for retirees. Your money has a risk tolerance too. Bills being paid tomorrow should be invested very differently from bills due in 15 years. When you're working this isn't an issue. You can just "hold on for the long-term". When you're pulling funds from the portfolio to support you in retirement it's a different story. Where is the income flexibility in a one portfolio solution? In our view, it doesn't exist.
Here are three reasons why we don't feel it's the right strategy for retirees:
Income & Distributions
Sequence of Return Risk
The Emotional Realities of Investing
To learn more about these reasons click the button below. Next we'll take a look at how we build our Strategically Personalized Framework.​​
McMannis Wealth focuses on "flexibility" & "resiliency". The SPF solution provides clients with the ability to source income in a way that isn't dictated by what the stock market is doing. It's also completely customized to your family's needs.
Here's how it works. After completing your financial plan we'll have a detailed understanding of what our expected spending is each year of retirement (we build in buffers for cushion). We then use these expected spending figures to build your financial structure. We believe each household should have three (3) portfolios. We've affectionately named them our Treasury, Prudent, & Expansion portfolios. We'll give you an overview of each of these portfolios in the next section. For now we'll show you a template financial structure.
1) Treasury: next 24 months of spending.
2) Prudent: additional 48 months of spending
3) Expansion: remaining portfolio
Remember how we said it's customizable? Personalized isn't in the name as a buzzword. Our 24-month Treasury and 48-month Prudent portfolios are minimum recommendations. Some clients need a little more security. As long as it works in your financial plan, it doesn't make a difference to us how much more you allocate to these portfolios. Some clients have asked for 10 year's worth of spending accounted for in our lower volatility portfolios. Great! Making sure you are comfortable with your exposure is how we protect you from making permanent irreversible decisions.
It's important to understand that you live with the consequences of these decisions - no one else. Not your advisor. Not your friends. Only your family. When you take away the cloud of fear the stock market can enshroud people with, all that is left is opportunity. That is why we believe a strategic, personalized, and thoughtful financial framework is essential for the long-term success of our retired, and near retired, clients.